Beaver-Tooth Handle Co.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How long do you take to ship most items?

A: We try to ship most orders within two weeks. Most are less time. Please see our shipping info. link here:

Q: Do you respond to all emails?

A: Being a small family business we do not have time to answer questions requesting handles that are of a different size than we have listed for sale. We also do not answer questions about when an item will ship. You will get an email with all shipment info. sent to the email address you listed at checkout. Check your spam filters as well to see if it might have gotten sent there and keep in mind it can take up to two weeks to ship.

Q: Do you have handles not listed?

A: Yes, but unless it is a larger order we can not make just one or two. 

Q: Do you make custom or one off handles?

A: No, it is not cost effective to make patterns and set up lathes for one off handles. 

Q: Do you make custom sheaths to fit my axe?

A: No, we currently make sheaths from dies and do not have the means to make custom one off items.

Q: Do you ship internationally?

A: Yes, for most areas you just put items in your cart and chkeckout.